本校學生申請赴外修讀雙聯學位計畫 Application for Dual Degree Program


A dual degree program is a collaborative academic program established between our university and an overseas institution, designed to provide students with international learning opportunities and enhance their global competitiveness. Students can inquire about dual degree program information through the Global Affairs Office and their respective departments, and apply as required. Upon graduation, students will receive degree certificates from both institutions, thereby increasing their international competitiveness.


Students approved by TCU to participate in a dual degree program at a partner institutions must adhere to the following regulations regarding the total duration of their studies at TCU:


Bachelor’s degree students must study in TCU’s bachelor’s program for a minimum of four semesters.


Master’s degree students must study in TCU’s master’s program for a minimum of two semesters.


Doctoral degree students must study in TCU’s doctoral program for a minimum of four semesters.


In addition to meeting the above requirements, bachelor’s degree students must spend a total of at least 32 months in their studies at both universities, master’s degree students must spend a total of at least 12 months, and doctoral degree students must spend a total of at least 24 months in their studies at both universities.


Students approved by TCU to participate in a dual degree program at a partner institutions may have their credits earned at the partner institutions counted towards their degree requirements. However, the cumulative credits earned at the partner institutions must amount to at least one-third of the total required credits for graduation.


Students applying for the dual degree program are required to submit an application form first. Upon approval from the internal review, they can then proceed to submit an application to the partner institutions for the dual degree program.

-校內申請表/ Application Form

-語言能力證明/ Language Test Score



Students studying abroad for a dual degree program are required to pay the full tuition and miscellaneous fees to our university for each semester while studying overseas.


Students enrolling in our university for a dual degree program should adhere to the fees as stipulated in the written agreement during their tenure at our university.


Submit a hardcopy application form to the International Office by the end of the fall semester of each academic year to apply.



雙聯學位獎學金 Dual Degree Scholarship


合作學校 cooperating schools

Middlesex University

位置                                       Location

合作模式                  Program Offered

合作科系                   Major





United Kingdom, London

TCU 3+MU 1

Department of Public Health、
Department of Life Sciences、
Department of Molecular Biology and Human
Department of English Language and Literature、
Bachelor Program in International Service Industry Management

PPT of the 2023 Info Session Recording of the 2023 Info Session

Andrews University

位置                                       Location

合作模式                  Program Offered

合作科系                   Major





 United States, State of Michigan

TCU 1+AU 1

All Departments




Articulation Table

Naresuan University

位置                                       Location

合作模式                  Program Offered

合作科系                   Major



Institute of Medical  Sciences

Mahidol University

位置                                       Location

合作模式                  Program Offered

合作科系                   Major



Institute of Medical