All tuition and costs are paid in NTD. The conversions below are for your reference.
Tuition Fee and Incidental Expenses
*備註:新台幣兌換美元匯率大約是 30 新台幣兌換 1 美元(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 30 NTD = 1 USD(08.01.2022)
學院 College
美元 USD
College of Medicine
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Education and Communication
International College
*備註:新台幣兌換馬來西亞幣匯率大約是 6.74 新台幣兌換 1 馬來西亞幣(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 6.74 NTD = 1 MYR(08.01.2022)
學院 College
馬來西亞幣 MYR
College of Medicine
RM 7,250.45~RM 9,198.68
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
RM 6,549.28~RM 6,950.92
College of Education and Communication
RM 6,950.92~RM 8,049.12
International College
RM 6,549.28~RM 6,950.92
*備註:新台幣兌換印尼盾匯率大約是 0.002 新台幣兌換 1 印尼盾(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.002 NTD = 1 IDR(08.01.2022)
學院 College
印尼盾 IDR
College of Medicine
Rp 24,213,396.20~Rp 30,719,671.42
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Rp 21,871,811.24~Rp 23,213,117.10
College of Education and Communication
Rp 23,213,117.10~Rp 26,880,641.89
International College
Rp 21,871,811.24~Rp 23,213,117.10
*備註:新台幣兌換越南盾匯率大約是 0.0013 新台幣兌換 1 越南盾(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.0013 NTD = 1 VND(08.01.2022)
學院 College
越南盾 VDN
College of Medicine
₫ 38,040,437.68~₫ 48,262,116.43
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
₫ 34,361,692.41~₫ 36,468,949.97
College of Education and Communication
₫ 36,468,949.97~₫ 42,230,812.00
International College
₫ 34,361,692.41~₫ 36,468,949.97
*備註:新台幣兌換泰銖匯率大約是 0.85 新台幣兌換 1 泰銖(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.85 NTD = 1 THB(08.01.2022)
學院 College
泰銖 THB
College of Medicine
฿ 57,729.06~฿ 73,241.18
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
฿ 52,146.30~฿ 55,344.22
College of Education and Communication
฿ 55,344.22~฿ 64,088.25
International College
฿ 52,146.30~฿ 55,344.22
*備註:新台幣兌換韓圓匯率大約是 0.023 新台幣兌換 1 韓圓(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.023 NTD = 1 KRW(08.01.2022)
學院 College
韓圓 KRW
College of Medicine
₩ 2,131,023.32~₩ 2,703,641.22
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
₩ 1,924,940.20~₩ 2,042,988.66
College of Education and Communication
₩ 2,042,988.66~₩ 2,365,767.87
International College
₩ 1,924,940.20~₩ 2,042,988.66
*備註:新台幣兌換港幣匯率大約是 3.83 新台幣兌換 1 港幣(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 3.83 NTD = 1 HKD(08.01.2022)
學院 College
港幣 HKD
College of Medicine
$ 12,761.11~$ 16,190.09
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
$ 11,527.03~$ 12,233.93
College of Education and Communication
$12,233.93~$ 14,166.82
International College
$ 11,527.03~$ 12,233.93
*備註:新台幣兌換菲律賓披索匯率大約是 0.54 新台幣兌換 1 菲律賓披索(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.54 NTD = 1 PHP(08.01.2022)
學院 College
菲律賓披索 PHP
College of Medicine
₱ 90,539.49~₱ 114,867.96
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
₱ 81,783.76~₱ 86,799.21
College of Education and Communication
₱ 86,799.21~₱ 100,512.94
International College
₱ 81,783.76~₱ 86,799.21
*備註:新台幣兌換印度盧比匯率大約是 0.38 新台幣兌換 1 印度盧比(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.38 NTD = 1 INR(08.01.2022)
學院 College
印度盧比 INR
College of Medicine
₹ 129,253.68~₹ 163,984.87
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
₹ 116,754.05~₹ 123,914.09
College of Education and Communication
₹ 123,914.09~₹ 143,491.73
International College
₹ 116,754.05~₹ 123,914.09
*備註:新台幣兌換巴基斯坦盧比匯率大約是 0.13 新台幣兌換 1 巴基斯坦盧比(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.13 NTD = 1 PKR(08.01.2022)
學院 College
巴基斯坦盧比 PKR
College of Medicine
Rs 365,473.01~Rs 463,677.65
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Rs 330,129.51~Rs 350,374.96
College of Education and Communication
Rs 350,374.96~Rs 405,731.97
International College
Rs 330,129.51~Rs 350,374.96
*備註:新台幣兌換孟加拉塔卡匯率大約是 0.32 新台幣兌換 1 孟加拉塔卡(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.32 NTD = 1 BDT(08.01.2022)
學院 College
孟加拉塔卡 BDT
College of Medicine
৳ 154,256.32~৳ 195,705.86
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
৳ 139,338.78~৳ 147,883.84
College of Education and Communication
৳ 147,883.84~৳ 171,248.54
International College
৳ 139,338.78~৳ 147,883.84
Other Expenses
項目 Items
新台幣 NTD
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
$65(校本部 Main Campus)
$91(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
*備註:新台幣兌換美元匯率大約是 30 新台幣兌換 1 美元(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 30 NTD = 1 USD(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
美元 USD
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
$2.2(校本部 Main Campus)
$3(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
*備註:新台幣兌換馬來西亞幣匯率大約是 6.74 新台幣兌換 1 馬來西亞幣(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 6.74 NTD = 1 MYR(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
馬來西亞幣 MYR
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
RM 9.65(校本部 Main Campus)
RM 13.51(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
RM 742.13~RM 1,484.26
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
RM 1,217.09
*備註:新台幣兌換印尼盾匯率大約是 0.002 新台幣兌換 1 印尼盾(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.002 NTD = 1 IDR(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
印尼盾 IDR
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
Rp 32,219.10(校本部 Main Campus)
Rp 45,106.74(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
Rp 2,478,392.21~Rp 4,956,784.42
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
Rp 4,064,563.22
*備註:新台幣兌換越南盾匯率大約是 0.0013 新台幣兌換 1 越南盾(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.0013 NTD = 1 VND(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
越南盾 VND
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
₫ 50,617.79(校本部 Main Campus)
₫ 70,864.91(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
₫ 3,893,676.19~₫ 7,787,352.39
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
₫ 6,385,628.96
*備註:新台幣兌換泰銖匯率大約是 0.85 新台幣兌換 1 泰銖(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.85 NTD = 1 THB(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
泰銖 THB
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
฿ 76.82(校本部 Main Campus)
฿ 107.54(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
฿ 5,908.93~฿ 11,817.86
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
฿ 9,690.64
*備註:新台幣兌換韓圓匯率大約是 0.023 新台幣兌換 1 韓圓(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.023 NTD = 1 KRW(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
韓圓 KRW
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
₩ 2,835.61(校本部 Main Campus)
₩ 3,969.85(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
₩ 218,123.54~₩ 436,247.07
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
₩ 357,722.60
*備註:新台幣兌換港幣匯率大約是 3.83 新台幣兌換 1 港幣(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 3.83 NTD = 1 HKD(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
港幣 HKD
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
$ 16.98(校本部 Main Campus)
$ 23.77(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
$ 1,306.18~$ 2,612.36
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
$ 2142.13
*備註:新台幣兌換菲律賓披索匯率大約是 0.54 新台幣兌換 1 菲律賓披索(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.54 NTD = 1 PHP(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
菲律賓披索 PHP
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
₱ 120.47(校本部 Main Campus)
₱ 168.66(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
₱ 9,267.28~₱ 18,534.56
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
₱ 15,198.34
*備註:新台幣兌換印度盧比匯率大約是 0.38 新台幣兌換 1 印度盧比(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.38 NTD = 1 INR(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
印度盧比 INR
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
₹ 171.99(校本部 Main Campus)
₹ 240.78(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
₹ 13,229.92~₹ 26,459.84
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
₹ 21,697.07
*備註:新台幣兌換巴基斯坦盧比匯率大約是 0.13 新台幣兌換 1 巴基斯坦盧比(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.13 NTD = 1 PKR(08.01.2022)
項目 Items
巴基斯坦盧比 PKR
學生餐廳 / 每天 / 3餐
Student Cafeteria / Day / 3 Meals
Rs 486.31(校本部 Main Campus)
Rs 680.83(人社院校區 Jieren Campus)
生活費 / 每月
Living Cost / Month
Rs 37,408.44~Rs 74,816.89
宿舍費 / 每學期
Dormitory / Semester
Rs 61,349.85
*備註:新台幣兌換孟加拉塔卡匯率大約是 0.32 新台幣兌換 1 孟加拉塔卡(08.01.2022)
*Remark: Exchange rate for 0.32 NTD = 1 BDT(08.01.2022)