International Buddy Program

Would you like to be a buddy for exchange students? Join Buddy Program – Become an Ambassador


我們希望參加國際學伴計畫Buddy Program的同學們對協助境外學生有相當程度的熱忱,願意持續與境外學生交流、給予適當協助,也樂意帶他們認識校園、臺灣,身兼代表臺灣及學校形象的大使。

Recruiting current students to assist exchange students from abroad to adapt to the campus environment and understand Taiwan more quickly, and increase mutual interaction. It is a good opportunity to understand foreign cultures, conduct language exchanges, and make friends from different countries!

We hope that students who participate in the Buddy Program will have a certain degree of enthusiasm for helping overseas students, and are willing to continue to communicate with overseas students and provide appropriate assistance. Also willing to introduce them to the campus and Taiwan, representing the image of Taiwan and the school.